I put a gravel service road around the top of the vineyard. Makes the area look more finished, and also a smoother drive for my tractor and pickup.

I tried to hire a guy to do it, but he flaked and I decided to give it a go myself. I had a small pile of crushed rock left over from when they put the roads in. This ended up covering about a third of the drive, maybe 250 feet. Saved me a little money. The hardest part was smoothing the roadway base underneath the gravel. I drug and scooped with my loader, but like everything else around here, eventually you had to get down and dig out rocks and push the dirt around with shovel & rake. Took a few man-hours but got it done before permafrost sets in. As Ian said (as he drove off), "That driveway's not gonna grade itself."
So this morning I called Central Washington Asphalt and they were over within the hour, put it down in two lifts, approximately 45 ton of 1 1/4 crushed surface base course (CSBC), 500 lineal feet x 8' wide x about 4" deep.
It looks awesome and I'm happy.